UMP Water Consumption In 2022

Universiti Malaysia Pahang Water Consumption In 2022

Measurement and analysis of water consumption in Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) are conducted every month in both campuses, according to the water volume measured by Pengurusan Air Pahang Berhad (PAIP).


Volume of water used in the university 2.JPG

UMP has applied several water-efficient appliances in order to minimise water use, including the systematic irrigation system, underground water system for water ablution taps, and dual toilet economy flush. Additionally, most of the building at UMP equipped with Rainwater Harvesting System for general purposes and plant irrigation.

Table 1: Rainwater Harvesting System


Figure: Location of Tank Rain Harvesting at University Malaysia Pahang


Water consumption in UMP Gambang

UMP has applied several water-efficient appliances in order to minimise water use, including the systematic irrigation system, underground water system for water ablution taps, and dual toilet economy flush.


UMP uses Dual Toilet Economy Flush in our toilet. We educate our users to be wise in water consumption.


UMP uses a water bucket in certain toilets (under maintenance) to control water leakage.


Using a timer to water the plant can save water and cost. Watering plants occur at different times for each area to avoid water pressure problems. Sources for watering are from the nearest Lake.


UMP has a systematic irrigation system. All planting sites have their own system and operate automatically.